Connect Energetically with Your Highest Goals Using Symbols

This Exercise Uses the Following Wisdom Skills

Stub only: Choose Happiness
Stub only: Partner with Your Subconscious
Stub only: Manage Your Inner Dialog
Stub only: Managing and Using Chi Energy
Stub only: Breathe for Energy and Peace

Exercise Details

Duration = 12 minutes.
Difficulty = 40/100.

Use This Exercise:

  1. To build a relationship with your goals that moves you at your energetic core and that wraps your subconscious, spiritual, intuitive, and emotional selves together into the relationship.
  2. To move more effectively towards a purpose, goal, need, or desire that you feel driven by, but which is yet beyond your reach.
  3. To gain benefit from important symbols and images in your life by acquiring the insight and energy from them that you need to transform your spiritual life.
Image courtesy of: h.koppdelaney / Hartwig HKD || Original Image || Flickr Profile || H.Kopp-Delaney Website